* University of Georgia, Athens, GA, Ed.D. in Music Education, L5 Certification in Educational Administration, 2009.
* University of Georgia, Athens, GA, Masters in Education “With Distinction,” 2005. Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO, Music Education, 1998. Blacksburg High School, Blacksburg, VA, 1990–1994.
Professional Experience
* Assistant Professor, Elizabethtown College, 2010-present. Courses taught:
* MU115 Fundamentals of Keyboard (Piano instruction for non-music education majors) MU130 Survey of Music Education
* MU205 World Musics
* MU230 Music Teaching and Learning
* MU330 General Music Methods and Materials MU370 Senior Seminar in Music Education MU471 Professional Internship in Music Education MU490 Student Teaching Seminar
* Burney-Harris-Lyons Middle School Band Director, 2009–2010.
* Taught 6th, 7th, and 8th grade bands in a high-minority and economically disadvantaged school.
* Taught and lead a lab that remediated math and language arts skills to struggling students.
* Graduate Research Assistantship with the University of Georgia, 2008–2009.
* Conducted research and developed literature reviews on the principalship and leader succession as funded by the Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement.
* Conducted and reported a case study of a school system.
* Graduate Assistantship at the College of Education Learning Performance Laboratory, 2006–2007.
* Designed a computer learning system to suport the Georgia Department of Education’s Georgia Teacher Success Model.
* Designed a website based on PHP and MySQL to support the collaborative development of an assessment rubric for the Georgia Teacher Success Model.
* Graduate Assistantship at the University of Georgia School of Music, 2003–2007. Classses and responsibilities:
* University Concert Band, director and instructor.
* Integrating Music into the Elementary Classroom, instructor of record.
* Elementary Practicum, taught Foundations of Music Curriculum Design and supervised stu- dents in public school classrooms.
* Secondary Practicum, supervised students in public school classrooms and lead student dis- cussions about field experiences.
* Field Experience Coordinator and Teaching Assistant Coordinator.
* Nodaway Valley Schools Band Director, Jan. 1999–2003.
* Taught 5th, 6th, and 9–12 band.
* Taught music theory both in a conventional classroom setting and in a distance learning classroom.
* Assigned as a mentor to a first-year choir director, 2002–2003. Completed state mentorship and peer coaching training, 2002.
* District technology coordinator for Nodaway Valley Schools, 1999–2000.
* Responsibilities included maintenance of school networks, purchasing computers and tech- nology, managing a technology budget, grant writing, and repair of technology.
* Goals 2000 professional development instructor, 1999.
Related Experience
* Northwest Missouri State University, 1994–1998.
* District Music Festival Coordinator, 1995–1998. Northwest Wind Symphony, 1994–1998.
* 1st chair Euphonium
* Northwest Missouri State University Brass Quintet Performer and Leader, 1996–1998.
* Ken’s Music Instrumental Repair Apprentice, Summers of 1995–1996.
* Clinics
* Worked under the supervision of repairmen at Ken’s Music. Repaired woodwind and brass instruments for local university and public education systems.
* Northwest Missouri State University Music Camp Clinician, 1996–2002, 2004–2005. Southwest Iowa Honor Marching Band, Tuba Section Clinician, 2000–2002.
* Corner Conference MS Honor Band Guest Conductor, Stanton, IA, 2002. Blacksburg High School Marching Band Clinician 1994–1996, 1998–1999, 2003. Guest Soloist Performances
Northwest Missouri State University Wind Symphony, 1998. Cass County Community Band, 2001.
Sidney High School Band, 2000.
Professional Affiliations
Association of Teacher Educators
American Association of Kodaly Educators American Educational Research Association Music Educators National Conference Kappa Kappa Psi
Kappa Delta Pi
Pi Lambda Theta
Scholarship of Teaching
* Facilitated the development of a paper-reading session of outstanding original research from MU205 World Musics on SCAD day, 2012.
* Mentored Danielle Fishman in an Honors in the Discipline Project on teacher perceptions regarding music educator specialization, 2011–2012.
* Research selected for presentation at the Pennsylvania Music Educators Conference, 2012. Honored as a mentor for Emerging Scholar (Emily Targonski), 2012.
* Online assessment tools featured in the fall issue of the Pennsylvania Music Educators Journal as a model of innovative assessment practice, 2011.
* Developed online system for formative assessment of video evidence in microteaching and piano classes, 2011.
* Developed online system for formative interactions with student teachers around observation evidence, 2011.
* Developed new course, titled Senior Seminar in Music Education at the request of music education students, 2011.
University Service
* Member, Student conduct board, 2012–2014.
* Member, Strategic planning committee on cohort advising, summer 2012.
* Mentor, student learning community, “The Harmony House,” 2012-present.
* Member, Learning Modes and Outcomes Strategic Planning Committee, 2011.
* Member, Global Citizenship Strategic Planning Committee, 2011.
* Guest lecturer for “Fantabulous Fridays” on “Haiti: The ethics of research and travel to a developing country,” 2011.
* Guest lecturer on integrating music into early childhood classrooms, 2011
* Member, Advisory Board for the Center for Global Citizenship, Member, 2011.
* Member, Hiring Committee for Art Education Position, 2011.
* Member, Committee for the selection of a content management system for Elizabethtown College, 2010.
Outreach Service and Leadership
* Music Instructor, Masonic Village Kindergarten, 2012.
* Taught weekly general music lessons during the spring semester as a means of further developing my elementary pedagogical skills and providing a service to the community.
* Presentation to the Pathways Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2012.
* Lecture title: “Beliefs about music in the schools: A journey to Terrier Rouge, Haiti.”
* Presentation to the Elizabethtown Masonic Village, 2012.
* Lecture title: “Beliefs about music in the schools: A journey to Terrier Rouge, Haiti.”
* Presentation to the Pathways Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2011.
* Lecture title: “Poverty and richness, the richness of Haitian musical culture.”
* Professional Development Workshops
* Peer coaching in a standards-based classroom. Workshop presented at Pike County Elementary School, 2009.
* Iowa Bandmasters Association, 1998–2003. District public relations chair, 2001–2003.
* State public relations chair, 2001–2003. District webmaster, 2001–2003.
* Nodaway Valley Education Association (NEA Affiliate), 1998–2003. Co-president of the Nodaway Valley Education Association, 2002–2003.
* Served on the Salary Bargaining Committee, 2002–2003.
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (article accepted and pending). Building evidence for music education advocacy. Music Educators Journal.
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (2012). Book review: Experiencing Ethnomusicology. Music Educators Journal.
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (2009). A case study of the principalship in the Pike County School System. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement.
* Zepeda, S. J., Bengtson, E., Parylo, O., Stewart, B., Teitelbaum, D., & Shorner-Johnson, K. (2008).
* A scholarly annotated bibliography: The supervision, evaluation, and professional development of principals. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement.
* Zepeda, S. J., Bengtson, E., Parylo, O., Teitelbaum, D., & Shorner-Johnson, K. (2008). The work of the principal: Sueprvision, evaluation, professional development, socialization, and succession. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement.
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (2012). The structural characteristics of learning to design instruction. Pre- sentation accepted for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association State Conference: Lancaster, PA.
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (2012). The development of formative feedback and reflection tools for teacher education. Presentation accepted for the Mid-Atlantic EDUCAUSE Conference: Baltimore, MD.
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (2011). Lesson planing instruction in music teacher education. Presented at the Association of Teacher Educators Summer Conference: Philadelphia, PA.
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (2011). The development of collaborative tools for formative assessment. Pre- sented at the Second Annual Elizabethtown College Scholarship Reconsidered Conference: Eliza- bethtown, PA.
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (2009). The effect of computer-mediated video on lesson analysis skills gained in early music education field experiences. Presented at the Society for Music Teacher Education 2009 Symposium on Music Teacher Education: Greensboro, NC.
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (2009). The effect of computer-mediated observation on preservice lesson anal- ysis skills in an early field experience. Presented at the American Educational Research Association National Conference: San Diego, CA.
* Kevin T. Shorner-Johnson Page 5
* Shorner-Johnson, K. (2009). Enhancing analysis: The use of video technology in student obser- vations. Presented at the Georgia Music Educators Association Inservice Conference: Savannah, GA.
* Johnson, K. (2007). Wizards for Music Education: The implications of sequenced databases and cognitive load theory. Presented at the Georgia Music Educators Association Inservice Conference: Savannah, GA.
* Johnson, K. (2005). The aesthetic of pairs in the 15th century Burgundian Court: Jan van Eyck’s “Arnolfini Portrait” and Gilles Binchois’ “De Plus en Plus.” Presented at the University of Georgia Music Graduate Research Symposium: Athens, GA.
Computer Skills
* PHP and MySQL
* Developed dynamic web pages, content management, and user login systems using PHP and MySQL languages. Built sites for:
* Georgia Department of Education.
* The Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement research initiative at the Uni- versity of Georgia.
* HTML and CSS
* Java
* jQuery and Javascript
* Adobe Flash and Actionscript
* Developed an online learning system for the Georgia Department of Education.
* Developed an online video system for dissertation research.
* Filemaker
* Developed database applications for managing field experience scheduling, academic references, and a learning management system.
* Experienced in using the Filemaker platform as a rapid prototyping tool.
* Graphics software including Adobe Fireworks, Illustrator, and Photoshop
Byron H. Warner Mens’ Glee Scholarship, 2008. Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2006.
Recipient of the Directors Award of Excellence for work in graduate studies at the University of Georgia School of Music, 2004 & 2007.