EZRA KLEIN: I think you really see that dynamic in terms of what risks and problems we will politically accept and which ones we turn on the sirens for. So the existence of entrenched poverty in this country, just taken for granted. … Meanwhile, though, like the minute there is a risk of inflation, …the minute there is like a long term risk of deficits that would lead to high tax increases in the future, the political system really does respond. You have super committees and panic and deficit reduction committees … And so that’s to me where the tell is. Like, I think we group a lot of these things as bad. It is sad that people work bad jobs for low wages. It is sad that people are in poverty. But inflation is a problem. And we will solve it. You know, deficits at a certain level … are a crisis. And we will think about nothing else politically. And that to me is where you see what our values really are.
GoedeStuff: Priorities
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