Recent Student Presentations

  • Cudmore, M. and A. Trynosky.  Establishing a C. elegans model system to expand our understanding of the gut microbiome.  Summer Creative Arts & Research Program, Elizabethtown College. July 2024.
  • Cudmore, M. and D.L. Wohl. Fecal Matter Preservation: Examining the Effects on Microbial Composition 5-years Later.  Mid-Atlantic Ecological Society of America.  Kutztown, PA. May 2024. (poster)
  • Ahmed, B. and D.L. Wohl. Microbiome Integrity of Unprocessed Canis familiaris Stool Samples Prior to Storage for Fecal Matter Transplants.  Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences. April 2021.
  • Ruiz, C.V., C. Workman, and D.L. Wohl. Examining Preservation Methods for Long-term Fecal Matter Storage.  11th Annual Landmark Research Summer Symposium. August 2019. (poster)
  • Rippeon, R., D.L. Wohl, and B. Read-Daily.  Nitrate Removal Performance in a Sulfur-Limestone Amended Agricultural Drainage System.  Pennsylvania Water Environment Association’s Technical Exhibition and Conference (PENNTEC). June 2018.
  • Bonano, Y. and D.L. Wohl.  Fecal Matter Transplants:  Determining the Best Preservation Methods for Fecal Matter.  Beta Beta Beta Northeast Regional Conference. March 2018. (poster)
  • Al Absi, S., A. Charnigo, B. Read-Daily, and D.L. Wohl.  Manipulating Sulfur in Agricultural Soils to Stimulate Sulfur-based Autotrophic Denitrification and other changes in Microbial Community Composition.  Beta Beta Beta Northeast Regional Conference. March 2018 (poster)
  • Custer, B.L. and D.L. Wohl.  Do genetics, environment, and lifestyle all affect the oral microbiome? A comparative study of the oral microbiome between Amish, non-Amish, and twins.  Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences (PAS). April 2017. (poster)
  • Rei, E. and D.L. Wohl.  Comparing the Oral Microbiome of the Amish and non-Amish Communities.  Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences (PAS). April 2017. (poster)
  • Wohl, D.L. and M. Mendenhall. Sharing more than an apartment? The Human Forearm Skin Microbiome of Individuals Living in Campus Housing. 16th International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME) Conference.  August 2016.
  • Belder, P.T. and D.L. Wohl. Can limited migration in or out of a population influence the microbiome diversity? A metagenomics study of the rural Amish and non-Amish oral cavity via Ilumina sequencing. Northeast Regional Honors Conference (NRHC). March 2016. (poster)
  • Failing, G and D.L. Wohl. Human Migration and Resuspension: The Microbial Community Dynamics of the Indoor Built Environment. Northeast Regional Honors Conference (NRHC). March 2016. (poster)
  • Failing, G and D.L. Wohl. Microbial Resuspension in the Indoor Built Environment: The Role of Flooring Materials and Anthropogenic Traffic on Taxonomic Diversity.  Beta Beta Beta Northeast Regional Conference. March 2016 Awarded: 1st Place Oral Presentation
  • Mendenhall, M. and D.L. Wohl.  Genomic analysis of the human forearm skin microbiome of individuals living in Campus housing. Beta Beta Beta Northeast Regional Conference.  March 2016 Awarded: 3rd Place Oral Presentation
  • Landis, A. and D.L. Wohl.  Analysis of the Interaction between the Human Skin Microbiome and its Environmental Surroundings.  Ecological Society of America (ESA). August 2015.